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Homeware LAN has an MQTT API for getting and setting the status of any device. You can use this API for communicating Homeware with your hardware devices.

Connection data

Host: It is the IP of the machine that runs Homeware.

Port: 1883

Status of a device

The status of a device is composed by several parameters. For example, the status of a light can be something like:

"on": false,
"online": true,
"brightness": 80,
"color": {
"temperature": 5000

You can see all the device's parameters at https://<>/devices/info/<device-id>/

Subscribing to the status of a device

Every device has at least two topics where Homeware posts the status of the device if it changes. You can see all the device's topics at https://<>/devices/connecting/<device-id>/

Main Topic

Each device has its own main topic that is used by Homeware to post the status of a device. It publishes all the parameters in a JSON format.

The main topic for each device is device/<device-id> where <device-id> is the unique id of each device.


For a light in which both the On/Off status and the brightness can be controlled, every time the status changes in Homeware, it posts something like:


Individual Topics

Each device has individual topics for each parameter or command.


For a light in which the On/Off status can be controlled, every time the on status changes in Homeware, it posts the new status in device/<device-id>/on.


Update the status of a device

You can change the status of a device in Homeware posting the new status in the topic device/control using the next format:



For a smart bulb which <device-id> at Homeware is light001, if you want to change its brightness to 80%. You must post the following at device/control topic:


The intent key should be set to execute for updating the status of a device.

Request the status of a device

You can request to Homeware to publish the status of a device at any time by posting a request to device/control topic.


The intent key should be set to request for requesting the status of a device.